Jul 282020
Rick Stein's Secret France – A Journey To The Home Of Cuisine

In the popular BBC series Rick Stein’s Secret France, the Padstow-based celebrity chef takes a personal road trip around France, from Dieppe to Cassis, meeting restaurateurs and specialist producers, hoping to find that France is still the home of fine food, particularly if you look off the beaten track. The series is a glorious road […]

Jan 092020
Escape To The Château  – Why Not?

For six seasons now, viewers have been charmed by the Channel 4 programme Escape to the Château, which follows the adventures of Dick Strawbridge and Angel Adoree as they restore a fairytale 19th century château in Martigne-sur-Mayenne, in the Pays-de-la-Loire region of north-western France. Formerly a Lieutenant Colonel in the British Army, Dick Strawbridge is […]

Dec 042019
France's Veggie-lution

World-renowned for its fine cuisine of rare steaks, hearty chicken casseroles, creamy sauces and rich desserts, France used to be a tricky destination for vegetarians, and with its seemingly endless varieties of cheese, even more so for vegans. But for anyone who’s discounted moving to France on the grounds of its animal-based cuisine, there’s good […]